Flashing your LML Duramax with the SDS V2 AutoCal!
Step 1: Loading clean base file into the ECM.
Step 1 should take place during the original installation. To change power levels, proceed to Step 2. In the event an ERROR occurs during the flashing process, the ECM will be left in a “dead” state… DO NOT WORRY! Simply repeat Step 1-2 and the ECM will be returned to normal operation!
1. Plug the AutoCal into the truck’s OBD II port using the supplied cord.
2. Turn the ignition to the ON/RUN position. Do NOT start the engine!
3. Scroll to tuning tool and Select ‘ ok ‘.
4. Scroll and select ‘ Program Full ‘.
5. Scroll and select ‘ 1_STOCK TIS‘.
6. Select ‘ OK ’ to agree to the 2 warning messages.
7. Select ‘ OK ’ when prompted to “License Controller”.
Steps 4-9 will only need to be done ONCE for the life of the truck
8. The AutoCal should then say ‘Please Wait… Erasing… Flashing’ with a percentage below it.
9. Once it reaches 100% the AutoCal will prompt you with the ‘IGNITION OFF NOW!’ message. Turn the key off and press‘ √ . ’ A 30 second countdown will begin. Once the countdown is finished, you’re ready to proceed to Step Two: Flashing the performance tune.
Step 2: Flashing the performance tune!
1. Turn the ignition to the ON/RUN position. Do NOT start the engine!
2. Select ‘ Tuning tool ‘.
3. Select ‘ Program Cal ‘.
4. Scroll down to the desired tune ‘2-6.’ Press ‘ √ ’.
5. The screen will say “Checking 0. 100%.” Followed by ‘Erasing… Flashing…’ with a percentage below it. The flashing process will again take approximately 1-2 minutes to complete.
6. Once it reaches 100% the AutoCal will tell you ‘flash completed successfully’ press “X”.
7. AutoCal will then say ‘IGNITION OFF NOW!’ message and a 30 second count down will begin.
8. When the countdown finishes, you can disconnect the AutoCal, start the engine, and enjoy the new found power of your Duramax diesel!
Thank you for choosing SDS for your Duramax tuning needs! We strive to bring you the best possible tuning solutions for your late model Duramax powered vehicles. For any further questions about this product, or to learn about other products we offer for your truck, please contact us:
By email: [email protected]
Phone: 403-523-9003
Step 1 should take place during the original installation. To change power levels, proceed to Step 2. In the event an ERROR occurs during the flashing process, the ECM will be left in a “dead” state… DO NOT WORRY! Simply repeat Step 1-2 and the ECM will be returned to normal operation!
1. Plug the AutoCal into the truck’s OBD II port using the supplied cord.
2. Turn the ignition to the ON/RUN position. Do NOT start the engine!
3. Scroll to tuning tool and Select ‘ ok ‘.
4. Scroll and select ‘ Program Full ‘.
5. Scroll and select ‘ 1_STOCK TIS‘.
6. Select ‘ OK ’ to agree to the 2 warning messages.
7. Select ‘ OK ’ when prompted to “License Controller”.
Steps 4-9 will only need to be done ONCE for the life of the truck
8. The AutoCal should then say ‘Please Wait… Erasing… Flashing’ with a percentage below it.
9. Once it reaches 100% the AutoCal will prompt you with the ‘IGNITION OFF NOW!’ message. Turn the key off and press‘ √ . ’ A 30 second countdown will begin. Once the countdown is finished, you’re ready to proceed to Step Two: Flashing the performance tune.
Step 2: Flashing the performance tune!
1. Turn the ignition to the ON/RUN position. Do NOT start the engine!
2. Select ‘ Tuning tool ‘.
3. Select ‘ Program Cal ‘.
4. Scroll down to the desired tune ‘2-6.’ Press ‘ √ ’.
5. The screen will say “Checking 0. 100%.” Followed by ‘Erasing… Flashing…’ with a percentage below it. The flashing process will again take approximately 1-2 minutes to complete.
6. Once it reaches 100% the AutoCal will tell you ‘flash completed successfully’ press “X”.
7. AutoCal will then say ‘IGNITION OFF NOW!’ message and a 30 second count down will begin.
8. When the countdown finishes, you can disconnect the AutoCal, start the engine, and enjoy the new found power of your Duramax diesel!
Thank you for choosing SDS for your Duramax tuning needs! We strive to bring you the best possible tuning solutions for your late model Duramax powered vehicles. For any further questions about this product, or to learn about other products we offer for your truck, please contact us:
By email: [email protected]
Phone: 403-523-9003